Magnetotherapy uses the action of a magnetic field on biological tissue to produce therapeutic effects. The main effects include the dilation of blood vessels, reduction of pain, relaxation of muscles and spasms, anti-inflammatory effect, promotion of the healing process and reduction of swelling. Magnetotherapy is not suitable after pacemaker implantation, during bleeding conditions, fungal and tumor diseases. The procedure is tied to a doctor's prescription. It takes 20 min.
Ultrasound uses the electrical energy of high-frequency currents, which are converted into mechanical and thermal energy. It improves blood circulation and the nutrition of tissues, promotes tissue penetration, relieves spasms, has an analgesic effect. The depth of effect varies between 2 - 6 cm, but it also produces distant reflex effects. The procedure is tied to a doctor's prescription. It takes 6 min.
Interference Currents
Interference currents operate on the principle of using the interference of two medium-frequency currents directly in the tissue, with one circuit having a constant frequency and the other optionally fluctuating. By adjusting the frequency and its modulation, different effects can be achieved. Ultrasound acts directly on muscles, nerves, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, especially by dilating blood vessels, relieving pain, toning or relaxing muscles, or resorption of swelling and effusions. The procedure is tied to a doctor's prescription. It takes 15 min.
Diadynamic Currents
Diadynamic currents are mixed currents that take advantage of the effect of the simultaneous application of galvanic and faradic or other pulsed currents. The effects of the different types of currents merge with one another. It is meant to primarily improve blood circulation, relieve pain and tone muscles. The procedure is tied to a doctor's prescription. It takes 15 min.
TENS (transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation) applies the principle that the conduction of pain impulses and the perception of pain can be reduced or suppressed by irritating nerves at different levels of the nervous system. It is particularly suitable for conditions requiring pain reduction such as spinal disorders, headaches and post-traumatic pain. The procedure is tied to a doctor's prescription. It takes 15 min.
The Rebox-Physio electrotherapy device is designed for the diagnosis and treatment of pain. Rebox currents are introduced transcutaneously into the affected area by touching a small non-invasive electrode. A correction of local acidosis, increased microcirculation of blood and lymph is made in the tissue around the touch in a few seconds, and all this with effective myorelaxation. The device is used in acute chronic vertebrogenic algic syndromes, post-traumatic and post-surgical conditions, transcutaneously influenced blood tissue microcirculatory disorders, etc. It is inappropriate for shock states, in the case of a cardiac pacemaker, tumor diseases, thrombosis pregnancy, inflammatory skin diseases, etc.